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Nursery Pot size: 12cm

Height  - 40- 50cm approx


Colourful and sleek. The green oval leaves of this houseplant are etched with lightly coloured veins and a dotted pattern of darker and lighter green runs down its length. The effect is a leaf that looks like it's been drawn. The leaves will fold up at night, giving this plant gets its common name of 'prayer plant'. Put in a bright, but shaded area and water regularly to keep the soil moist. This plant loves humidity you should mist regularly to maintain the colour on the leaf.


Care Instruction


Maranta grow best in bright, indirect light, but are hardy enough to tolerate some shade. Avoid direct sunlight however, as this may burn or bleach the leaves.



Keep the soil moist at all times, but do not overwater or allow the plant to sit in soggy conditions. Watering with soft, lukewarm water is recommended.



Maranta leuconeura prefers average to warm temperatures from 18-27°C, but can cope with as low as 15°C. Avoid cold draughts.



Increased humidity levels are a must. Mist frequently. Brown leaf tips are a tell-tale sign that the surrounding air is too dry.



Apply a balanced fertiliser once or twice a month during the growing season.


Air Purifying

This plant filters airborne toxins.

Maranta Leuconeura Kercho | Houseplant | Prayer Plant | Height - 40cm

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  • Nursery Pot size: 12cm

    Height  - 40 cm

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